Born and raised in Romania.
Studies at the Institute of Architecture & Urbanism “Ion Mincu” in Bucharest. After the emigration to Germany, discovering the great relationship between architecture and fashion, I started to work in the fashion industry. 1983 was the beginning of an over 30 years conceptual and creative work for the worldwide distributed trend book magazine “Fashion Trends/Molecule” published by Branche & Business Fachverlag, later EPP Professional Publishing Group GmbH. The last years I focused on fashion illustration, being fascinated by the sensitivity of watercolors, the direct impact of the ink, the expression of a fleeting movement when the fabric wraps the female body. I love the classic techniques as well as the surprising opportunities offered by the digital transformation, which invite me to future experiments!

A few personal words

I am deeply grateful for the legacy of my parents, both architects, left me: the love and respect for the beautiful profession of architecture. Their exchange of ideas, their professional rigor followed my steps on my own way. My mother, Florica Vasilescu, signed the prize-honored building for the new Episcopal Administration Palace in Craiova. My father, Nicolae Vasilescu, was the architect of the new Lighthouse of Constantza, at the Black Sea.

My statement

I think, while so much beauty can be seen in details, the primary starting points of my silhouettes is a state of emotion that wanders on paper and transforms it. An emotion becomes embodied in a silhouette, a sketched fabric, and its movement. Capturing the elegance, the harmony of proportions but also irony, exaggeration, the iconoclastic and challenge, this is the essence of the fashion illustration.

The New Lighthouse from Constantza 1958
arch. Nicolae Vasilescu

Episcopal administration building of Oltenia – Craiova 1975
arch. Florica Vasilescu

© 2023 by Smaranda Schächtele